Founded in 2020, we are a not-for-profit organization working to support the community around McSpadden Park in East Vancouver. Our purpose is to promote community building and connection through events, activities and education. We have a strong focus on families, urban agriculture and sustainable healthy living.
Amy Butler
Amy has been an East Van resident for over 20 years. In 2009, she created the Jamboree Canning Collective, which ran for 3 years and ignited a passion in her for creating community connection. Amy founded the McSpadden County Fair in 2016, an event which has become a firmly established annual neighbourhood tradition. Amy is inspired by the incredible community in East Vancouver, she is driven to contribute to its unique beauty and diversity, and envisions the Flying Zucchinis creating many more opportunities for connection and engagement in the future.
Philippa Dove
Vice President
Philippa grew up in the UK and moved with her family to Canada in 2011. Her experience of finding her way in a brand new country instilled in her a strong appreciation of community and a sense of belonging. She volunteered her services to help with logo and poster design for the first McSpadden County Fair in 2016 and has been involved ever since! Philippa is also Co-Chair of the local school PAC and a member of the McSpadden Community Garden. Her feet (and her veg) are now firmly planted in McSpadden County.
Renee Ayelets
Renee is a mother of two who is happy to call East Van home. Trained as a social worker she has worked in the field of chronic mental health and substance use for the past 15 years in both the public and not for profit sector. She currently also sits on the East Side Family Place Board and the United Way Period Promise Community Action Group that is working to address menstruation equity.
Sarah Cree
Sarah's childhood was spent barefoot and riding wild ponies, but the enduring quality of a rural upbringing that remains steadfast, is the sense of community and the creative bartering of local skills and talents. Now a resident of McSpadden, Sarah loves learning more about her community and through MFZS, enjoys finding ways that bring us closer together, which sometimes, can only be made possible by taking on unfamiliar roles and accepting new challenges. At MFZS, Sarah is secretary, ideas generator, and occasional video editor.
Katie Graham
Katie is a public health nurse and mother of two who calls East Vancouver home. Katie started volunteering at the McSpadden County Fair as part of the Green Team, in 2020 she had the important job of COVID safety consultant for the filming of our zucchini races and she is currently heading up grant research. Katie is inspired by the creativity, kindness and activism of her community and is grateful to be a part of this initiative and excited to see how it grows and evolves.
If you would like to offer your time, support or services - or if you have an idea for a project in our community - please get in touch using the contact form below.
We would love to hear from you.
We also welcome financial contributions of any amount. If you are able to offer financial support, please click on the PayPal Donate button below... and, thank you!
Please note that we are unfortunately not currently able to issue receipts for tax refunds on donations.